watch out for fanny!:
We have this uncanny obsession with Scary Movie 2...
keep it in the circus:
I dont know how it started...but Dee and Kris have to keep it in the circus...
Nikki always has to slam the door like Mary Katherine Gallagher does in Superstar
carla, darla
and marla:
Kristen will always be Marla from "A league of their own" so on the stupid ET ride, they decided to make
their names carla, darla and marla so when ET says their name it sounds stupid
your mom:
the greatest comeback ever made
as the geese said to the gander, lets get the flock outta here:
This crazy bus driver told us this joke...Renee thought he made it up! haha
your pee peeee:
In Kristen, Renee, Nikki and Brittany's room, everytime someone went to the bathroom we said gimme your
pee pee...i dont know why...
excuse me mr. manager... but there is a giant fish stuck in your coral!:
At rainforest cafe there was a fish stuck in the coral...we spent atleast 2 hours staring at it trying
to get out...he finally did...poor little guy
people mover 8 timesssss... in a row:
Yes we rode the people mover 8 times cuz we had nothing else to do...